The function Emitter::c_str() returns a NULL -terminated C-style string (which you do not have to release), which you can then write to a file. For example: ... <看更多>
The function Emitter::c_str() returns a NULL -terminated C-style string (which you do not have to release), which you can then write to a file. For example: ... <看更多>
txt file. 2. Build it! The command you'll need to run depends on the generator you chose earlier ... ... <看更多>
20 // Reading the file ... 22 // Run a batch of methods to parse the YAML and set the ... 301 // Construct output directory structure and file name. ... <看更多>
For a personal project, I need to parse YAML file. I chose to use C-based libYAML instead of yaml-cpp, because: I try to keep my dependencies to ... ... <看更多>